Civic Crowdfunding from Tuscany. ANCI Innovation supports local authorities in experimenting with usage patterns of the Information and Communication Technologies to facilitate the processes and -democracy.
Country: Italy
Assiteca Crowd is a Srl company based in Milan: it’s a platform created in September 2013. – Generalista
Bandbackers is a pre-selling platform for musicians
Be Crowdy
Becrowdy is the Crowdfunding platform reward-based for sustaining artistic and cultural production, through which artists, promoters and producers can propose their own projects and finance them by the help of Community. Its Long-term goal is to enlarge over the national borders, in order to trigger, in addition to financing, also the mobility of projects, transforming the platform in a real base aimed to a wider cultural network. – Arte & Cultura
Beart is a crowdfunding platform based on a reward system, designed for professionals and art lovers.
Cubevent has the aim to transform the processes by which are realized the events, eliminating the risk for who organize and proposing events in line with the real interest of the public. – Organizzazione di eventi
DeRev is the Crowdfunding Italian platform aimed to finance creative, innovative and social projects dedicated to the community. – Innovazione & Rivoluzione
Donordonnee is a platform for peer to peer donations.
Cofyp offers to accountants, lawyers, business consultants, associations of small and medium-sized enterprises an on-line portal for the raising capitals of the innovative enterprisers. –
Book a Book
Bookabook is the first Crowdfunding Italian platform of the book. The Community chooses a book, supporting the publication, and thus generating a template of participated publishing. Bookabook is an “all-or-nothing” Crowdfunding. The heart of the platform is a community where the readers can exchange ideas and opinions with the authors. – Editoria