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The book is based on Training Material developed for the Crowd-Fund-Port-Project.
There are seven chapters:
Chapter 1: Crowdfunding basics
This chapter introduces you to the topic of Crowdfunding and helps you analyse whether an SME is ready for Crowdfunding.
Chapter 2: Pre-Campaigning
This chapter helps you prepare your Crowdfunding campaign, Crowdfunding material and select the right platform.
Chapter 3: Campaigning
This chapter focuses on the Crowdfunding Campaign and ways to reach out to your audience.
Chapter 4: Post-Campaigning
This chapter outlines the steps taken after a successful Crowdfunding campaign.
Chapter 5: Tools for Crowdfunding
This chapter describes and lists several tools which can help the Crowdfunding campaign.
Module 6: Best Practices
This chapter lists best practices from the Central European Countries.
Module 7: Exercises and resources
This chapter gives additional exercises and resources.