Innamoratidellacultura is the portal dedicated exclusively to campaigns in the cultural sphere, proposed by artists, associations, organizations, public entities, foundations, privates, Art, spectacles, fashion, design, music, architecture, restoration. The headquarters is located in Turin. Operational since March 2014, it’s a brand appreciated and known by the Italian cultural world. The community of “innamoratidellacultura” collected around the platform is loyal on social, also thanks to the specialized “Magazine” that it allows, those who promote their campaign, to get high visibility on the national territory. The team work provides a personalized welcome service of the campaign and, upon request, additional services such as Crowdfunding management, press office, social media management and digital public relations, sponsor research and business partners. Campaigns can be activated in reward or donation mode, and the signed contract can be “fix” or “flexible”.
platform Unique ID: pa1cad4e1
Innamorati della cultura